> The only mandatory fields are the "List name", which must be 
> alphanumeric and
> all lower case.
> Once the list is created, click the "edit" icon next to the list to see 
> which
> "List Address" was assigned to the list. This is an automatically 
> created
> email alias for your list. If your list is named "support", then the 
> list name
> may be something like "133-supp...@www.yourdomain.com".
> The number prefix there is ugly - I know. However: How else would one 
> deal
> with cases where multiple siteAdmins want to create lists with the same 
> name?
> Like "support" or "info" or therelike. Sure, one could treat this on a 
> "first
> come, first serve" basis and if the list name is already taken, the GUI 
> could
> say so and ask for another name instead. The old Majordomo integration 
> handled
> it in a similar way, though. There the prefix was also automatically 
> added.


First, thanks for working on Mailman integration into the GUI: a great 
convenience feature for avid Mailman users like myself!

Now, regarding the automatic prefixing of the list names: I actually think 
the first-come first-served approach would be preferable over the random 
number prefix. I think that someone trying to use 'n...@mydomain.com' as 
the list name (and finding 'news' already in use) would rather accept a 
suggestion to use 'mydomain-n...@mydomain.com' over being forced to accept 
'284-n...@mydomain.com' without a choice. I'd think most list creators 
would rather take a second or third try at coming up with a unique list 
name than having to accept a random number prefix.

It's a lot like registering a domain name: I think most people would like 
to creatively come up with their own unique variation rather than accept a 
random number prefix. If I try to register 'mydomain.com' and it's already 
taken, I don't want the registrar to randomly assign '8372-mydomain.com' 
as my domain. I want to spend some time coming up with a unique 

Just my 2ยข worth!

dAvid tHacker
Thacker Network Technologies Inc.

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