I think I have run into this issue but unfortunately Michael's FAQ is no longer 

Anybody able to help with instructions for replacing the root@localhost

> >> Like Dudi said: If the password is correct and it doesn't work for
> >> the GUI, then access from "localhost" to MySQL may not be working.
> >> This could be because MySQL is either not configured to listen on
> >> localhost, or maybe someone removed the privileges for
> >> "root@localhost". Typically there are two "root" users for MySQL
> >> configured. One for "root@localhost" (user root connecting from localhost)
> and "root@*" (root connecting from anywhere else).
> >>
> >> If the localhost "root" user of MySQL has been removed, it can be
> >> added again this way:
> >>
> >> http://www.solarspeed.net/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicFAQZoom;ItemID=26
> >>



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