On 2/4/2014 5:50 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm about to wrap up the SSL security review of BlueOnyx. The final
> updates will go into the BlueOnyx-Testing YUM repository and then -
> within a day or two - these updates will be pushed to the production YUM
> repositories.
> That's for 5106R, 5107R and 5108R.
> But let me say this: If you're using BlueOnyx 5106R, then please
> consider migrating to BlueOnyx 5107R or BlueOnyx 5108R in the near future.
Well, I would love to, but as I do not run BlueOnyx in a seriously 
multi-tenant environment, I am not at the luxury of having a lot of 
money to spend on new hardware just to run a few more or less small, 
mostly static web sites. BO has made this easy to set up, but it seems 
that the latest versions suffer from serious feature creep and requiring 
more and more resources.
I was trying to install 5107 but it would not even start to install 
unless I had at least 512MB of RAM and more than 20GB drive space, while 
the host that I have available has only 384MB and a 20GB drive, more 
than enough for what the machine is supposed to do.
That's why I had to go with a brand new 5016 install, as that would 
install just fine and gets the job done at little to no cost hardware 

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