your suggestion was successful!
Thank you very much

Il 15/10/2014 10.41, Michael Stauber ha scritto:
> Hi Simone,
>> After trying to import i get the message
>> "Unable to read uploaded certificate. Please try again."
>> Any ideas?
> As is the uploaded file must have a certain file extension. A few are
> allowed, such as *.txt or *.crt if I recall correctly. But I'm going to
> remove that in one of the next updates to base-ssl, so that the file
> extension no longer matters.
> For now rename the file to have a *.txt ending and then upload it again.
> It should work.

Simone Capra
E.R. WEB - s.r.l.

mob. +39 335 5257182
mail: ca...@erweb.it

P.zza Risorgimento, 12 - 13100 - Vercelli
tel. +39 0161 210090

L.go Richini, 6 - 20122 - Milano
tel. +39 02 58215611


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