Hey Michael,
On 10/14/2014 7:18 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> I suspect you may or may not yet have the latest set up updates
> installed. Please do a "yum clean all" and "yum update" again on the
> target BlueOnyx.

I just ensured that a yum clean all / yum update has been freshly 
executed, but still having some trouble.

> For troubleshooting the API the complete output of these three logfiles
> is very helpful. You can actually view them all in one go with this command:
> tail -f /var/log/messages /var/log/admserv/adm_error
> /var/log/admserv/adm_access
> It provides the best overview about what's happening when the API does
> its thing. The GUI itself logs to /var/log/admserv/adm_error and
> simultaneously you can see what the handlers are doing in
> /var/log/messages. Running all three logs in one single tail then
> provides the exact timeline of what happened when and where the errors
> (if any) occurred.

OK, got it.   Here are the relevant clips:
Oct 15 14:42:41 web39 cced(smd)[12482]: client 8:[49:14522]: SET  37 . 
MYSQL_Vsite "username" "=" "vsite_T7ByC7V" "pass" "=" "KyEY7zeR" "host" 
"=" "localhost" "hidden" "=" "1413398561" "DB" "=" "vsite_T7ByC7V_db" 
"port" "=" "3306" "create" "=" "1413398561" "enabled" "=" "1"
Oct 15 14:42:41 web39 cced(smd)[12482]: client 8:[49:14522]: SET 
37.MYSQL_Vsite failed (-5)

Oct 15 14:42:47 web39 cced(smd)[12482]: client 8:[49:14522]: SET  37 . 
MYSQL_Vsite "destroy" "=" "1413398567" "enabled" "=" "0"
Oct 15 14:42:47 web39 cced(smd)[12482]: client 8:[49:14522]: SET 
37.MYSQL_Vsite failed (-2)

==> /var/log/admserv/adm_error <==
[Wed Oct 15 13:42:47 2014] [error] [client] BlueOnyx API: 
Sorry, an error occured while enabling the various services for the Vsite.
[Wed Oct 15 13:42:47 2014] [error] [client] BlueOnyx API: 
Failed, reporting: BlueOnyx API: Sorry, the Vsite was not created properly.

This is a 5208R virtual running on Aventurin{e}, FWIW.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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