Hi All,

We upgraded our last 5108R box on Sunday to implement the new SSL 
changes for Poodle (Thank you so much Michael for the hard work).

We have one customer now that can't access their email.  I was expecting 
a few Windows XP users but haven't had any yet.  This customer is using 
the Entourage email client on MacOS.

MacOS v10.6.8
Entourage v12.3.6

We have gone through their local settings and can't see anything wrong 
with their client and the maillog is just giving us...

dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, 
rip=######, lip=######, TLS handshaking, session=<######/>

... this looks like a cipher issue to me where it has no ciphers in 
common with the server.

Anyone know what ciphers Entourage uses and/or what I need to add to the 
dovecot config to make it work again? :-/

Thank you


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