everything has seemed stable since the rollback but i keep getting this 
email every night

To: r...@yyyy.xxxxxx.com
Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily' on yyyy.xxxxxx.com


/usr/sausalito/sbin/grab_updates.pl: bad oid passed to cce->destroy 

Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Michael Stauber <mstau...@blueonyx.it>
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it>
Sent: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 14:57:32 -0500
Subject: [BlueOnyx:18996] Re: 5208R - Curious behavior of cced - fix is in 
the making

> Hi all,
> Colin wrote:
> > Still seeing this. Restarting CCED fixes it briefly but it returns 
fairly soon again.
> > I have just restarted CCED to get into a 5208 machine. Created a new 
VSite and when it refreshed ... same old! :(
> > 
> > CCED restart and back in again.
> > 
> > Not using the cache at the moment.
> Yeah. I also just had a 5208R of mine act up. Memcache was since long
> disabled. But still it exhibited a number or related failures:
> - GUI not working in browser unless you restart CCEd and/or admserv.
> - Active Monitor sending Emails in languages other than English (or the
> defined language). In most cases these emails were in Spanish. That
> should never be the case, as we do have a fallback in Swatch that
> defaults to 'en_US' if the language cannot be determined.
> - Many cced child processes around, making cced and GUI unresponsive.
> - Random failures of cronjobs that need cced. Such as these:
> /etc/cron.hourly/newlinq_cron.pl:
> Connect to AdmServ failed
> Or this one:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: 5208r.smd.net: Cambios de estado de monitor activos
> From: root
> Date 14.01.2016 12:04
> To: Vsite <-- WTF?!!
> . Active Monitor ha detectado cambios recientes en el estado de su
> dispositivo de servidor
> Para obtener más detalles, consulte la sección Monitor activo del
> Escritorio Server
> Summary de cambios.:
> * Soporte / Mantenimiento Renovaciones son actuales
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Usage of "cceclient" showed the root cause of the problem:
> --------------------------------------------------
> [root@5208r tmp]# /usr/sausalito/bin/cceclient
> 100 CSCP/0.99
> 200 READY
> find System
> 104 OBJECT 3
> 201 OK
> get 3
> 301 UNKNOWN CLASS System
> 401 FAIL
> --------------------------------------------------
> So even with "memcached" disabled we're getting sporadic and
> reproducible failures all across the board. Which result in CCEd not
> responding in an expected fashion to valid GET requests.
> I'm currently preparing a rollback. Which will bring back the 
> (working) sausalito-cce* we had before the memcache update. This 
> update will also uninstall the base-memcache module for now.
> Now this update is a bit complicated, so it'll take me a couple of hours
> to roll back the code and still splice in the "good fixes" we had for
> other stuff since then.
> I expect to have it ready in 3-4 hours and will post a notice to the
> list once I'm done.
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
> _______________________________________________
> Blueonyx mailing list
> Blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it
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------- End of Original Message -------

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