Hello Michael,


based on a customer's request and my own experience, I would find a "copy
site" option very helpful.

This means copying the files under web (or wwwroot under 5210R), the
database(s) created for the site via Blueonyx and the settings for PHP.

You can create an admin user fort he copied site yourself afterwards.

The copy could be a button that turns <name>.<domain> into
copy_<name>.copy_<domain>. In any case, web and e-mail aliases should not be
copied. Users should also not be copied into new users. 

Or you could enter a target name . domain to which it should be copied. The
IP can be retained.

The function would be practical to create a test site or to make a live site
out of a test site.


You @all and you @Michael can tell me what you think.


Best regards,


blackpoint GmbH – Friedberger Straße 106b – 61118 Bad Vilbel 

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