Michael, thanks for the reply

In /var/log/maillog they usually show up like this:

Oct 13 20:02:38 sol sendmail[18277]: 19E12cNr018277: []
did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MSA

Oct 14 10:53:46 sol sendmail[22421]: 19EFrLbF022421: [] did
not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to TLSMTA

did so, quite a lot showed up :-(

cat /var/log/maillog|grep ETRN | cut -d [ -f3| cut -d ] -f1 | grep ^[0-9] | 
sort -un
If I see repeat offenders *really* sticking their nose out, then I
usually do a WHOIS on the offending IP and block their whole network
address range in APF, Firewalld and/or Milter-GeoIP.

do so, too... I jot those IPs in a list and if I find IPs in the same class, I enter 
those with a netmask of /24, sometimes I even go down to a netmask of /18 (once /16!) in 
the Network Services > AV-SPAM > GeoIP > Blocked IP Address Ranges list

best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

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