Hi Ken,

What if we host mail for domains foo.com and bar.com, and we have a mail
account for j...@foo.com, what if there is also a j...@bar.com.  Sorry,
there can only be one "john" on the entire server.  So the second john has
to be john2?

That's what "Email Aliases" are for and every user can have an infinite number of them. Linux user names must be unique on the server. Email Aliases (at least the part left of the @) can be identical across Vsites.


Username / Vsite:          Email-Alias:
john    (Vsite: site1)     j...@site1.com
john2   (Vsite: site2)     j...@site2.com
s3_john (Vsite: site3)     j...@site3.com
[...]                      [...]

There is another benefit: If the email address is also one part of the login credentials (and the remaining part being the password), then you're already exposing half of the login credentials to the whole world. If the login is via the Linux username and you use Email Aliases, then you can make that a little less obvious.

I am actually running a Fail2ban config that automatically blocks login attempts via Email address on first attempt, because there we already know that someone is already on a fishing trip. But your mileage might be different, so that's why it's not part of the standard Fail2ban config in the shop PKG.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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