On a 5210r box, I get the logwatch email and I am seeing a lot of errors 
relating to adding ip route commands:

      7f84f87ca450 -- exec: ip route add unreachable 2 Time(s)
      7f84f87ca450 -- stderr: 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists': 2 Time(s)
      7f8534ce0c38 -- exec: ip route del unreachable 2 Time(s)
      7f8534ce0c38 -- stderr: 'RTNETLINK answers: No such process': 2 Time(s)

There are a lot of these, with different IPs

Further down I see what appears to be matching entries from fail2ban:

      Failed to execute ban jail 'pam-generic' action 'route' info 
'ActionInfo({'ip': '', 'family': 'inet4', 'fid': <function 
Actions.ActionInfo.<lambda> at 0x7f8530f0b048>, 'raw-ticket': <function 
Actions.ActionInfo.<lambda> at 0x7f8530f0b6a8>})': Error banning 1 Time(s)

What is odd here is that I have fail2ban on two other (5209r) servers and they 
appear to add the block rules with iptables with many "f2b-*" chains, but 5210r 
doesn't do it that way? There are no f2b-* chains there


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