Sounds a lot like Mexico where the garbage truck killed my fiber.
Repair: 1 week
New contract with same provider: we connect you this evening before 9.00pm

On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 19:00, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick heads up: Since Monday I'm without reliable internet
> connection and am on a mobile line that also craps out or slows to a
> crawl every now and then.
> I'm trying to respond to emails, but even that is really dodgy right now.
> What happened? We have three big internet providers in Colombia. We're
> with a shack called Tigo and and their competitor MoviStar (subsidiary
> of Telefonica) installed fiber-optics in our complex last week. On
> Monday when they left they "accidentally" (yeah, rrrrrright!) caused a
> damage that affected all internet installations of their competitors in
> our complex. And as things go with all three providers: You can get a
> new contract (with same day install) lined up in fifteen minutes, or you
> have to wrestle with support for days until they send a technician to
> fix damage in an existing installation. Just spent three hours again in
> the waiting line in front of their office until it was my turn to
> "enthusiastically" rave about their stellar support. After all: A black
> hole is a stellar object, too. :p
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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