Hej everybody,

I read that "None of the changes being evaluated will affect the license, the availability, the permitted uses and/or the functionalities. LibreOffice will always be free software and nothing is changing for end users, developers and Community members" and I am pleased to read that.

It strikes me that there's a lot of talk about large organizations, that don't contribute to the community. But why not talk to these organizations? By tagging a new version as "Enterprise" or "community", you don't go into communication and won't convince them. A tag, which I feel, is also easy to remove.

Go into discussion and convince them of the usefulness of contributing to the project. They already get the best office software, but it is also important for them that this software is further developed, improved and distributed. By arguing in their place and putting words in their mouths, you take the wind out of your own sails. They laugh in their fist when they read these discussions and they don't feel addressed. Make them feel addressed by engaging them in a conversation and make them part of the project.

Just my 2 Euro cents

Best regards

Leo Moons

"Nous sommes condamnés à être libres" - J.P. Sartre

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