Hi all,

just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line.

As you might be aware LOOL's repository has been frozen since the major code contributor decided to move it to GitHub and not contribute back to TDF's repository.

At the time there has been a debate about it but then nothing actionable seems to have been proposed by the community since then.

Recently an ex-member of the ESC proposed to the ESC to archive LOOL [0] and during the following ESC meeting no concerns were expressed for doing so [1].

The "Attic Policy" [2], that has been written to archive obsolete projects, states that the Board will need to vote on the archival process to confirm ESC's choice.

It is likely that the board will need to vote on it soon so if the community would like to do something with LOOL there might be a small window of opportunity to have your preferences on what to do with it heard.

If nobody comes along proposing to look after it and update if so that it could be brought back into an usable form for the community then the board might have to vote for having LOOL archived.



[0] https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2022-June/088982.html
[1] https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2022-June/089018.html
[2] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Policies/Attic

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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