+1 from me.

I wrote:
> Dear fellow directors,
> having discussed this and incorporated your feedback, calling for a
> vote, to:
> * ratify attached best practices as current board communication
>   guidelines
>   (verbatim copy from
>   https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/f/900757 as of 2022-04-12
>   1600 UTC)
> Vote runs the usual 72 hours, please answer with +1/-1/abstain to this
> email.
> Thanks,
> -- Thorsten

> # Best practices for board communication
> We believe that beyond common sense good manners, and the community
> CoC, the TDF board bears the extra burden of leading by (excellent)
> example when it comes to define interaction styles in the community.
> We therefore feel bound by the following board communication best
> practices, to be used in all written board communication channels.
> Applies to:
> - intra-TDF communication channels
>   (tdf-directors, working groups, direct emails, TDF matrix chat
>   rooms, MC- and staff-internal mailing lists)
> - the public board-discuss email list
> ## Communication best practices we apply:
> - We are cognizant that people with whom we communicate are
>   located across the globe.  We don't expect people to respond
>   immediately, they might not have the bandwidth beside their jobs
>   and private obligations to process all emails in a short time.
>   We give them a chance to read and digest our text, form an
>   opinion and answer in their own time. If we find ourselves being
>   the only one sending a lot of messages in a short time frame, we
>   slow down.
> - We always remember that the recipient is a human being whose
>   culture, language, and humor have different points of reference
>   from your own.  We know that date formats, measurements, and
>   idioms may not travel well.  We are especially careful with
>   sarcasm.
> - We use smileys to indicate tone of voice, but use them
>   sparingly.  We don't assume that the inclusion of a smiley will
>   make the recipient happy with what we say, or wipe out an
>   otherwise insulting comment.
> - We wait overnight to send emotional responses to messages. No,
>   we don't answer immediately.
> - We are brief without being overly terse.  When replying to an
>   email, we include enough original material to be understood
>   but no more. It is extremely bad form to simply reply to a
>   message by including all the previous emails: we edit out all
>   the irrelevant material.  Giving context helps everyone.  We
>   delete irrelevant material and focus on what we want to comment
>   on.  This makes for easier reading and takes up less space.
> - We assume that individuals speak for themselves, and what they
>   say does not represent their organization (unless stated
>   explicitly).  Conversely, we assume that while on the board,
>   what we write in public will certainly be attributed to TDF as
>   well!
> - We keep messages brief and to the point.  We don't wander
>   off-topic, don't ramble and don't send mail or post messages
>   solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling.
> - If we should find ourselves in a strong disagreement with
>   another person, we make our responses to each other via private
>   messages rather than continue to send them to the list or the
>   group.  If we are debating a point on which the group might have
>   some interest, we may summarize for them later. If we should
>   find even the private interaction hard, we ask a trusted peer
>   for help.
> - We don't get involved in flame wars.  Neither post nor respond
>   to incendiary material.
> - We avoid "me-too" posts. It's wonderful to agree with each
>   other, but it's rare that pointing this out adds much to the
>   discussion. New information is always welcome; an echo chamber
>   is often less pleasant.
>   In a word: we reply to messages only when we have something
>   substantive to contribute. "Good one, Joan" does not qualify as
>   substantive.
>   That said, for discussions where checking support of opinions
>   is desirable, there should be an easy way for the _community_ to
>   give their feedback in a +1/-1 form, without running an official
>   vote. LimeSurvey or Nextcloud Polls could fit that purpose, and
>   in the hopefully not too distant future, Decidim can take over
>   that task.
> - If we are caught in an argument, we keep the discussion focused
>   on issues rather than the personalities involved. Similarly, if
>   we inadvertently offend someone, we apologize quickly.
> - If we feel that someone's response to one of our messages is
>   offensive, we take pains to reply generously rather than
>   defensively. "Taking the high road" will almost always diffuse
>   bad feelings.
> - We resist taking a difference of opinion personally. Someone not
>   liking our position or the crazy thing we have done does not
>   mean that they dislike us.
> - Not everybody will agree on everything. It's healthy to
>   recognise that differing views can't always be
>   reconciled. Often, we have to accept that someone else thinks
>   differently and move on. If a particular list or topic is
>   constantly leaving us irritable because of these kinds of
>   issues, the message is clear: take a break.
> - We recognize that email conversations may become heated. In such a
>   case, we try to remember that adding more arguments may only add fuel
>   to the fire, and instead it is a good idea to end-thread, and make a
>   phone or video call with the involved parties instead. In many cases,
>   people have the same goal, just don't use the same words - leading to
>   misunderstandings in the email conversations.
> In the unlikely event that this policy would be repeatedly violated,
> the board considers the consequences that [unparliamentary 
> language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unparliamentary_language)
> carries in a number of democracies, to remedy the situation.

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