Re: [Boatanchors] ARRL Band Plan

2015-04-11 Thread ARRL members only. David KD4E The ARRL digital committee is presently working on a proposal to present to the FCC to alter the segments where digital is allowed. Most of the proposal seems to be centered on 80

Re: [Boatanchors] [FLBOATANCHORS] ARRL Band Plan

2015-04-11 Thread Bry Carling AF4K
Those are NOT FCC regs. No you may use CW between 7000 - 7125 and if you are an Extra you can use it from 7000 - 7300 kHz. These are recommendations form a radio club. NOTHING more. However, ARRL has a lot of sway with the FCC and i don't want to see them destroy 7100 - 7125 any more than