> I have found in the past that there is a need to
> distinguish between dimension handling and unit handling.
> In the case of a physical calculation, I usually ensure that
> the code works with a self consistent set of units, and thus
> only need dimensionality, compile time, code.
> Units
> > This promises to meet a massive need,
> > but for me must wait until I get MSVC 7.1
> > which I understand includes partial specialisation.
> I don't see why partial specialization should be required for this
> application.
Actually, I'm not sure if what I'm doing counts. I've never really pa
> This looks most interesting, and there most definitely remains a
> great need for
> a units handling package.
> I presume you have looked at W W Brown's SI units proposal
> http://home.fnal.gov/~wb/SItempl8.pdf
> and wonder why you rejected it and how your proposal is different.
Yes, I
I posted a message regarding this earlier, but somehow I left the subject line blank.
Since I know there was previously a great deal of interest in a dimensions and units
library, I'm guessing the lack of replies is due to my omission of a subject line. The
message with a description of the co
I decided that I needed a workable units library, so I wrote one. It
allows for weakly typed dimensioned quantities (so a length divided by
a time is automatically converted to a velocity). It also allows
users to use strong typeing for quantities of the same dimension which
shouldn't be confused