"David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> "Johan Nilsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [cross-posted, but it seemed appropriate]
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > just wanted to bring this one up: I've come across some problems putting
> > boost source to an OpenVMS system: Filenames cannot include more than
> > dot ('.') - i.e. names like <whatever>.cpp.html aren't allowed. The only
> > exception is (naturally) in directory specifications, e.g:
> >
> > I do realize that VMS platforms might not be of highest priority, but it
> > sure would be nice to be compatible. And, one never knows, when(ever)
> > IA64 OpenVMS port is completed we might have a revival ;-)
> >
> > [... and I've not even been able to start _building_ the boost libraries
> > yet - I guess I'll be in for a whole lot more of problems then ...]
> Johan,
> Do you know of specific problems we have? I would be a bit shocked if
> VMS incompatibilities hadn't crept into the bjam sources, for example.

Haven't got that far yet. I 've just recently managed to bootstrap bjam, but
haven't had the time to actually use/test it. Boost.thread is one thing I've
been planning to use, but that's probably not going to be realized until
next year. As you say, I would also be a bit surprised if there didn't exist
any VMS incompatibilities - I've been using classic jam for a while, and
even with that one there was a problem with the dependency checking / header
scanning stuff.

I'll get back to the list once I've got something more specific. This is
unfortunately on a pretty low priority right now, and I haven't got VMS at
home ;-). It is, however, in my own interest to put in some work for VMS

// Johan

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