First issue:In building the libraries I had a couple of problems:

In building the boost_1_30_0 I had to make the following change in the jam file  in 
order for the build to work.
I believe previously I addressed this by specifying more information in the bjam 
command line.

#file vc7-tools.jam

extends-toolset msvc ;

# singleton variables...
set-as-singleton VC7_ROOT ;

if ! $(MSVCDir)
    VC7_ROOT ?= "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET\\VC7" ;
#____remove space here___________________________________/

    VC_TOOL_PATH = "$(VC7_ROOT)"\\bin\\ ;
    VC_SETUP = "CALL \"$(VC_TOOL_PATH)VCVARS32.BAT\" >nul" ;
VC_PDB_NAME = vc70 ;

flags vc7 CFLAGS : /Op ;
flags vc7 C++FLAGS : /Zc:wchar_t,forScope ;

# The following #// line will be used by the regression test table generation
# program as the column heading for HTML tables. Must not include version number.
#//<a href="";>Micro-<br>soft<br>VC++</a>

Second issue:I added a new library to my local copy of  boost-dev directory tree.  In 
trying to build I found
the the filesystem, optional and spirit libraries aren't included in the boost-dev 
tree while they are included in 
boost_1_30_0 tree.  As my library used spirit, it wouldn't build.  Is this an 
oversight or is it simply that the development versions of these libraries live in a 
different place.

Robert Ramey

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