> Agreed that CPAN is a huge time saver.  Not all modules on CPAN are
> written with automatic installation in mind, unfortunately - as you've
> seen, some tests depend on environment variables or other additional
> configuration that doesn't fit into the CPAN.pm installation scheme.  
> A bigger problem that has cost me many hours is when critical
> documentation lives in the tarball's README file, but not in the module's
> perldoc.  

Well, the 'critical documentation' should ideally just be installation 
information that your users won't need..

> On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 09:27:16 -0800, "Ranga Nathan"
> > CPAN module is cool! Dont know why I did not use it earlier! 
> > However I have one problem. Sometimes, if the make test is not 100%, 
> > does not install, even though I 'know' it is ok. So, I have to do some 
> > installs the old way.

No, you don't. Instead of 'install This::Module', try 'force install This::
Module'. That will run the 'make install' step regardless of whether 'make 
test' fails or not. Sometimes I think it'd be nice if you could configure 
CPAN to accept a certain threshold of test failures, say something like 
'install This::Module accept 90%'

You might also like to try CPAN++, a much more configurable version of the 
same idea with multiple frontends.

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