
This is a bittersweet review for this old hand at reasoning over program
assertions.  There's more to the PIP-condition assertions than Contract
programming. Similar annotations can be used for program proof of

I'm probably one of the few programmers you'll meet that's actually more
than once proven a program correct in anger at $DayJob.  (There are
others, I'm sure, but most are classified, so if you meet them they
can't tell the war story -- but one of mine was live on the WWW in our
MedLine search's ad-server function:
tm ) I was trained on Ottawa Euclid for mythical A2 level security, with
software proof assistance, but my "in anger" usages were in C, using
comments and a #2 pencil for proof.  Once a decade I find a loop that
will be too nasty to debug by usual techniques and really needs to be
coded right the first time ... so I do a Dijkstra/Hoare loop invariant
analysis to compute the post-condition from the pre-condition and the
invariant behavior.

Note that my practical use is the reasoning *over* the assertions, not
the checking of them at run-time. This does not need to involve class
invariants or function/method precondition/postcondition, but rather the
loop-invariant/pre/post.   As far as I can tell, your Class::Agreement
while supporting functional agreements in addition to OO does not
support loop pre/inv/post unless I switch to recursion?

When doing the real code-to-spec proof as I've done, you don't need to
run the assertions in production forever. The assertions should be
checked in test to verify that the code really does agree with the
assertions, but the reasoning over the assertions is the real validation
of the algorithm. When the invariant of interest is on each pass of the
inner loop, you really do want it OFF in production.

An object invariant that I've seen in vendor-supplied framework code
(and we saw it assert, too) is the equivalent of 
  invariant { is_sorted( $self->data ) }
which is a little expensive (*merely* O(N)) to call twice around each
method call and prohibitive (O(N**2)) on recursive method calls.  Part
of the behavior of operations maintaining a linked list or balanced tree
is that the list/tree stays sorted if it starts sorted.  If there isn't
a way to shut off contract enforcement efficiently, can it really be
applied to interesting ordered datastructures of the sort that really
need assertions?

As I mentioned in reply to a question/comment last night, examples like
the postcondition for a factoring routine ( product(@$result)==$input)
and the above invariant on an ordered list/tree, might help show that
postconditions aren't just re-doing the implementation in general, but
checking the visible behavior of it without doing the full
implementation (when interesting enough that there is a difference).


-- Bill / N1VUX
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