Hey folks!

        I apologize that this is off topic, but I thought someone on here
might know an answer or be able to point me in the direction of one.

        I'm looking for an algorithm for sorting/grouping sets of items
based on perception-based comparison.

        For example, take a set of songs, I'd like to be able to present
them people, have them listen to one song, then compare that song to two
(or more) other songs, then select the song that it most closely matches.

        From this, I'd like to build up a list or a graph (or table or
whatever you want to call it) that would have related songs "grouped"
together. (Although the exact boundaries between groups is not important.)

        I.e. In the end, ideally, you could identify regions in the graph
that would correspond to "classical" songs, or "rock" or "blues", etc. At
the same time, you could identify, say, male vocals vs. female vocals
(perhaps represented as a spread between "male-sounding" to
"female-sounding" songs). Likewise, songs with, say, flutes in them would
be closer to each other than non-flute songs (whether they were "classical"
or "rock" or male or female vocals).

        Basically, I see this as a multi-dimensional problem where each
dimension represents a particular variable property of the items in the
set. But the property each dimension represents (and perhaps the exact
number of dimensions) is not defined ahead of time but is "worked out" by
the algorithm based on the comparison (by a person who is not comparing
based on a stated set of properties).

        And this could apply to any set of items whether it was songs,
images, blocks of text, etc.

        Does anyone know of any algorithms or research that might apply to
this? Since this is not specifically Perl related, does anyone know of a
more appropriate mailing list I can send this to?

        Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!



| Larry Coffin, G.P.H.                                     Watertown, MA |
| http://www.PointInfinity.com/lcoffin/        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.


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