I mistakenly used later timing. Talk normally begins 7:30, gather/mingle 7ish.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We changed speakers and topics at the last minute last month because real 
> life.
> Our very interesting previously-planned speaker will instead speak
> this month -- next week.
> Remember, if you get Veterans' Day Monday off work, Tuesday will feel
> like Monday.

 Next Meeting - Tuesday, November 14th - 7 ish gather, 7:30 talk

> Adam Russell
> "Deep Learning in Perl with AI::MXNet: Navigating implementation issues"
> LIVE Speaker !
> ROOM Change (from spring): E51-372 (MIT 2 Amherst St, Cambridge)
> This talk will cover lessons learned from a recent experience in
> getting a deep learning projected started, with little prior
> experience in AI. All code will use the Perl MXNet API and guide the
> audience through developing a simple model, which is then built on to
> perform more complex tasks.
> Artificial Intelligence (AI) has for a long time captured the popular
> imagination. Results from academia and industry have finally started
> to deliver on some of the long hoped for results: self driving cars,
> automated medical diagnoses, and written and verbal language
> processing. These areas are showing advances that were once simply
> products of fiction writers. The current wave of AI enthusiasm may be
> attributed to what is called Deep Learning which is a convenient label
> for relatively new techniques using neural networks. The possibility
> for increased automation across virtually every industry has resulted
> in the spinning up of many new startup companies, as well as new
> projects within existing enterprises, resulting in the need to develop
> the skills necessary to pursue this new area.
> While not the language of production, Perl is used to develop
> algorithms and demonstrate concepts before they receive fuller
> treatment. Deep Learning practitioners often begin their deep learning
> work, correctly, with a review of the literature and research into the
> fundamentals. Projects then often start confidently with high hopes,
> built on that conceptual understanding, only to quickly get bogged
> down in unforeseen, but critically important, issues of
> implementation.
> Adam Russell is a software engineer with OptumLabs' Center for Applied
> Data Science (CADS). CADS is tasked with developing prototype
> applications which implement recent advances in algorithms and
> technology to address issues of importance to Optum business
> interests. Most recent projects have been focused on Deep Learning.
> Adam has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of
> Massachusetts Lowell, his academic interests involve Computational
> Geometry and Data Visualization and these explorations, much like the
> work described in this talk, are all Perl driven. He also teaches, on
> an adjunct basis, at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston.
>> Parking Alert.
>> Recent changes in MIT Parking Dept web pages (parking ,
>> visitors, public ) no longer allow un-permitted parking after-hours.
>> (This is a natural response to several other East Campus parking lots
>> being eaten by new building sites for campus expansion.)
>> Only legit parking is Cambridge meters (late hours! and several blocks
>> lost to construction), free spaces on Memorial Drive (allow time for
>> circling), and paid lot/garages.
> (Some circle to get a meter that will be free after 8pm and toss in a couple
> quarters for good luck until then, hoping more folk are leaving than arriving
> until after they become free.)
>> Come by Train, Bus, Bicycle, or Foot if you can!
>> (Parking at MBTA Garages are convenient to T and not overpriced,
>> unlike most in-town garages.)
>> Also, construction detour is even longer than last time if driving,
>> Wadsworth to/from Mem Drive & Amherst St to Amess both closed, only
>> access by car is Wadsworth to/from Main St east-bound.
> parking links available via http://boston.pm.org/Calendar
>> Tech Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at MIT
>> building E51, Sloan School Tang Center [not the other Tang building!]
>> nearer to Kendall Sq than Mass Ave. (directions).
>> Talk begins at 7:30.
>> Refreshments in the hallway prior.
>> RSVP for count encouraged but not required, to bill.n1...@gmail.com or
>> Boston-PM list, by 4pm Tuesday.
>> (NOTE: Fall 2017: we're moving back to the squarer room 372 (first
>> door after the partition), not the wider 376 (second door) that we had
>> the last several years)

Bill Ricker

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