Big university hospitals are not exempt from
(possibly) taking advantage of some children:
The government has concluded at least some AIDS drug
experiments involving foster children violated federal
rules designed to ensure vulnerable youths were
protected from the risks of medical research.  The
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services? Office
of Human Research Protections [OHRP] concluded that
Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Center in New
York, where several foster children were enrolled in
drug studies in the 1990s, failed to obtain and
evaluate whether it had proper consent, information
and safeguards for the foster kids...

...The Associated Press reported May 4 that federally
funded researchers in New York, Illinois and several
other states tested AIDS drugs on hundreds of foster
children since the 1980s, often without providing the
children with special advocates to protect their
rights and interests...

...Several of the research institutions, including
Columbia Presbyterian, told AP last month that they
did not believe they needed to provide the advocates
because their experiments held the promise of improved
health for the children. Medical ethicists disagreed,
saying the foster kids were vulnerable and required
the added protection.  Other states, like Wisconsin,
said they wouldn?t even consider using foster children
in such medical testing because of their

Foster care agencies and frontline researchers who
enrolled foster kids said they did so in an effort to
get them cutting-edge drug treatments not available in
the marketplace during the AIDS crisis of the early
1990s and that their efforts helped kids live

...OHRP?s ruling is the first that federal research
involving AIDS drugs and foster children violated
federal protections. It was prompted by a complaint
filed last year by the Alliance for Human Research
Protection, an advocacy group in New York which raised
concerns about a New York Post story documenting AIDS
drug testing at a Catholic charity foster home in the

The federal agency is withholding a decision on
whether Columbia Presbyterian should have provided the
foster children with independent advocates until it
receives more information. But it criticized the
hospital for not collecting enough information to even
make decisions on what regulations it needed to comply
with to protect the children.  The investigation
?revealed no evidence? that the hospital?s review
board ?considered and made the required findings when
reviewing this research involving children,? OHRP

Teach Your Children Well Maru

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