Oh, goody...

Proponents of electronic voting have found themselves
again on the defensive following the unauthorized
release of software for voting machines used by the
State of Maryland and manufactured by Diebold Election
The apparent security breach comes just two weeks
before nationwide elections that will include an array
of new voting technologies.  According to news
reports, three disks containing software code were
sent to a former Maryland lawmaker. Maryland and
Diebold officials told the Associated Press that the
software in question is outdated and will not be used
in the upcoming election in that state, although it
might be used in other states... 

...Following the 2000 election, the Electronic
Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit privacy-advocacy
group, pointed to glitches that made it difficult to
change votes if people made mistakes. Some electronic
machines were not calibrated properly, the EFF said,
which made it easy to vote for the wrong person. 

And there were indications that the electronic voting
process takes longer than officials expected, which
could result in long lines on election day. 
Unauthorized distribution of software underscores the
potential for security problems associated with the
use of electronic voting systems, said Stamp... 

still waiting for her ballot, as there was a 'glitch'
in the Jefferson County printing...

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