Sometime in the past few minutes, Mitch Kapor, in his keynote at O'Reilly's
Open Source conference in Portland announced my company's latest piece of
work, which you can visit at  It's a web site
focused on public sector open software initiatives.  This has been a bit of
a fire drill to have ready this morning; it was only about three weeks ago
that we decided to do it, when we saw that one of our big clients and Mitch
saw the same opportunity and were both willing to support it.  It fits
fairly well into what we're doing.

A quote from Mitch:

"There's a tremendous amount of interest in open source in government and
education around the world.  Until now, there have been few resources to
help public sector decision-makers stay current on government  initiatives
related to Linux and other open source software.   We are pleased to have
been able to  make a small contribution to the launch of,
which  promises to be a powerful and useful site for anyone interested in
what's going on with open source in the public sector."

For those who don't know, Mitch founded Lotus, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, and most recently, the Open Software Applications Foundation

My business partner, who's missed at least as much sleep as I have getting
this done, is David Land, former publisher of, who also
developed much of Apple's web site.

Feedback is most certainly welcome, as we're mopping up bugs and design
flaws, even as we also work on upgrades.  For those who wonder about the
underlying tech, it is Squishdot running under Plone, which is a Zope CMF
gizmo.  All of that runs on the same server as this mailing list(!), but it
has a Squid caching server as its front end, which is hosted at Verio, so it
should be able to handle a fairly hefty load.

We're eager for article submissions and looking for volunteer editors, who
will review and edit submissions, and have access to some back-end tools
that we're building to help find relevant articles.

Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198


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