Peace through industrial parks
Sep 18th 2003
>From The Economist print edition

Israeli entrepreneur Stef Wertheimer wants to convert the Middle East to

EVEN an optimist would have to concede that this is an awkward moment
to arrange business deals in the Middle East. Political antagonism is
nastier than ever, the local economies are worse, and the rest of the
world is as polarised about the region as it has been in decades. Yet
on September 17th, Stef Wertheimer, a 77-year-old Israeli entrepreneur,
arrived in Washington, DC seeking money and support to build industrial
parks in the Arab world, and he had a full schedule of congressmen
willing to listen, including the House majority leader, Tom DeLay.

If they are open minded, it is due at least as much to a despair about
past efforts to animate Arab economies as it is with optimism about
Mr Wertheimer's plan. It is hard to find any Arab country with an
economic model capable of sustaining long-term growth. Those countries
that are rich have oil and little else, and oil will not last forever;
the countries without oil suffer from widespread deprivation. True,
Dubai is turning itself into a tourism and banking hub, and one or
two other Gulf states have other niche ambitions, but they are too
small to transform the region. The only nation in the Middle East
that has a sophisticated, dynamic economy is Israel -- though much
governmental meddling there means that even Israel is not exactly a
model of free-wheeling capitalism.  Still, despite decades of war and
terrorism, and lacking natural resources, it has managed to develop
world-class companies and a strong middle class. Yet its economic model
has not been imitated elsewhere in the Middle East.

Mr Wertheimer believes that this need not be so. He hopes to get America
to help finance 100 private-sector industrial parks running around
the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Egyptian border. (Given
America's struggle to finance the rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan,
this is surely a long shot.) These, he believes, would foster
export-oriented entrepreneurship and, ultimately, a change in world
view. For a blueprint, Mr Wertheimer points to what he has already
accomplished in Israel: four industrial parks with 162 companies, mostly
start-ups, using Arab and Jewish workers. Collectively, they produce
$600m annually in products, largely for export.

Mr Wertheimer is also part-owner of a park under construction in Gebze,
near Istanbul, the first of two he hopes to build in Turkey. More
strikingly, he has just signed an unprecedented deal that seemed to have
fallen by the wayside during the Iraq war: within a year, Mr Wertheimer
and a partner expect to have an industrial park under way near the
airport in Aqaba, Jordan. Mr Wertheimer says that there are agreements
in place for the park to produce components for DaimlerChrysler, Harmon
International (audio components), and two machine-tool firms: South
Korea's Taguetak and Germany's Gildemeister. Having already secured
backing for this park, he wants to build, with local partners, four
more in Jordan over the next five years -- with the cost financed by an
international consortium of governments he hopes that America will help
assemble and by the private sector. Total employment in the parks, he
estimates, could ultimately reach 12,500 and revenues could exceed $1

Mr Wertheimer's own experience with these parks dates back to 1982. In
northern Israel, in an area inhabited mainly by goats, he built a
complex of offices and factories to which he added basic utilities,
transportation, schools and a central eating facility: what he calls
a "capitalist kibbutz". Access is provided to bankers, lawyers and
people with business experience who can help other start-ups with
taxes, regulations, finance and marketing -- big challenges for
entrepreneurs, especially in a tough business environment. Tenants must
bring -- and they are screened carefully -- a viable product and likely
customers. Rents are subsidised at first, then rise to market rates over
five years with big winners encouraged to leave. "They get a party when
they come, and a party when they go," says Mr Wertheimer.

The promised land

Talks about building similar parks in Arab areas began over a decade
ago. An earlier attempt in Jordan died along with King Hussein in 1999.
It remains, however, an attractive location. Jordan has a peace treaty
with Israel and fairly good relations. Its population is relatively
well educated. It has few natural resources. Average income is $3,870
annually, less than one-fifth of Israel's. Jordan has arranged several
deals with foreign firms in recent years, mostly thanks to a favourable
trade arrangement with America for clothing and textiles. Mr Wertheimer
says his parks will emphasise other lines of business. In 1999, Mr
Wertheimer also reached an agreement with the Palestinian Authority to
open an industrial park spanning the Gaza border, with a coffee shop in
the centre. Construction was suspended when the intifada began but will,
he insists, resume when the violence stops. He is clearly a man whose
glass is always half full.

On top of public money, Mr Wertheimer expects the private sector to
provide finance, machinery and above all, orders. If successful, these
ventures will, he believes, take on a life of their own. A doubling of
incomes in the region where they are located is possible within ten
years, he reckons.

Hype? Perhaps. But Mr Wertheimer has spent a career triumphing against
the odds. Fleeing Nazi Germany in 1937, he learned his trade as an
apprentice to a refugee who developed an early camera for Zeiss, an
optical company. He started a cutting-tool firm with a borrowed lathe
and a loan from a local butcher. Now his firm, ISCAR, exports cutting
tools worth $1 billion a year. It has 4,500 employees. Another 1,500
workers make turbine blades in a joint-venture with Pratt & Whitney and
Rolls Royce, a result of an effort to circumvent a French boycott of
replacement parts for Mirage jets during the 1967 war. "From adversity
comes opportunity," says Mr Wertheimer. If only for the beleaguered
region's sake, pray that this proves true again.


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