>I see 2 smallish problems with your analogy.
>1 It ignores the control systems of an elevator and the fact 
>that control
>systems operate independent of current cable length.
>2 Loading on the bungee cord would take it to its maximum 
>length (assuming
>it could even support the load of a cab). The bouncing you 
>propose is likely
>a fantasy making the proposal irrational.

I'll add 3 
The automatic braking system would kick in response to an elevator exceeding
the limits set for acceleration. My case in point was when a bunch of early
morning pc techs decided one morning to load up into a small elevator, then
started to jump in unison. The automatic brake kicked in, and they were
stranded in the elevator for an hour until security started for the day.


>Erik is a really smart guy, and I would never say anything 
>other. My point
>is that his analogy doesn't pan out when filtered through practical
>Don't the bungee cords you've used have a maximum length?
>I'm Soooooooo Stupid Maru


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