
The Christian Nazis? 
By Christopher Shea, Globe Correspondent, 8/17/2003

RECENT DECADES HAVE seen endless interpretive battles over the Nazis. The
Holocaust was an evil genius's long-prepared scheme, or an improvised
response to developments during World War II one of several possible
``Final Solutions.'' German soldiers were only willing to commit genocide
after participating in brutal warfare on the Eastern front, or they were
eager killers from the start. Churches resisted the Third Reich, or they
legitimated it.

Until now, though, one piece of conventional wisdom has gone
unchallenged: that the Nazis disliked Christianity. The standard view has
been that while Hitler and his deputies may have feigned respect for
religion during their ascent to power, they essentially believed, with
Nietzsche, in the ``death of God.'' They were as anti-Christian as the
Soviets, but with a pagan twist: Some of them hoped to turn mutant
versions of dormant Germanic and Norse legends into a state religion. In
the place of the cross, think Wagner and Wotan, swords and horned

Richard Steigmann-Gall, an assistant professor of history at Kent State
in Ohio, thinks otherwise. In his new book, The Holy Reich (Cambridge),
he argues that many Nazis and their followers were sincere Christian
believers. Nazism was the opposite of atheistic: It was a ``singularly
horrific attempt to preserve God against secular society.'' Indeed, ``the
battles waged against Germany's enemies constituted a war in the name of
Christianity.'' The modern tendency to paint Hitler and his allies as
anti-Christian ``kooks,'' he explains in an interview, is just another
way to put an artificial distance between them and us and thereby to
avoid the toughest questions about our own susceptibility to evil.

There were a handful of self-styled pagans in the Nazi regime, notably
Heinrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg. But ``many other Nazis thought
their religious views were ridiculous,'' Steigmann-Gall says. ``Hitler
didn't hesitate to mock their ideas behind their back.'' Additionally,
the 1939 book ``Hitler Speaks,'' in which the Fhrer was quoted as saying
that his future plans included ``stamping out Christianity in Germany,
root and branch,'' is now widely viewed as a fraud.

Though Hitler did view Roman Catholicism as a threat to German
nationalism, Steigmann-Gall points out, his hope until the late 1930s was
to unite Protestants under one state church. Plenty were willing to go
along, but dissenters, including Martin Niemller and his ``Pastors'
Emergency League,'' fended off the plan. Imprisoned for his efforts,
Niemller was lauded as a hero after the war.

Steigmann-Gall emphasizes that Niemller and his peers were far more
concerned with preserving their churches' autonomy than with opposing the
regime's ideology. In fact, Niemller voiced vicious anti-Semitic
sentiments of his own. Moreover, Steigmann-Gall argues, historians have
failed to come to grips with the tight interweaving of Protestantism and
German identity. In the 1920s, one of Hitler's intellectual mentors,
Dietrich Eckart, talked up parallels between Christianity and muscular
nationalism: ``In Christ, the embodiment of all manliness, we find all
that we need.'' In 1933, after the Nazis assumed power, ministers argued
from the pulpit that it was fitting that this social revolution had come
on the 450th anniversary of Martin Luther's birth.

Is Steigmann-Gall's argument fair? Several critics have pointed out that
the conception of Christianity held by most National Socialists was far
from a conventional one. As Jack Fischel, a historian at Millersville
University, argued in The Weekly Standard last month, ``By eliminating
the Old Testament from the biblical canon, reinventing Jesus as an Aryan,
and depicting the struggles of Christ as the archetype of the eternal
battle between the Aryan and the Semite . . . the Nazis altered
fundamental Christian doctrine.''

John S. Conway, author of ``The Nazi Persecution of the Churches''
(1968), agrees: ``The kind of Christianity they thought they believed in
was so diluted of orthodoxy that it was just a mishmash which even the
most liberal Protestant would find difficult to swallow.''

Yet many did swallow it, Steigmann-Gall counters. To say Nazis weren't
Christians because their views were a mishmash ``is too convenient,'' he
says. ``It doesn't explain Nazi conceptions of Christianity. It explains
away Nazi conceptions of Christianity.''

Christopher Shea's column appears in Ideas biweekly. 

"Christians, it is needless to say, utterly detest each other.  They
slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse
and cannot come to any sort of agreement in their teachings.
Each sect brands its own, fills the head of its own with deceitful
nonsense, and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins over
to its side."
- Celsus (2nd century C.E.) 


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