Requires WindowsMediaPlayer, but it is well worth it.

The subject is augmented reality and is the finest demonstration of a
new technology I have personally ever seen.
Be prepared to mix superlatives with profanity. I was unprepared to
see a display of such technical proficiency. I thought this kind of
stuff was years away.

>From a Blog:

"Total Immersions has an "augmented reality" tool called D'Fusion
Technology, as demonstrated in the Windows Media (ugh) video-stream
(ugh) linked from the page below. It's pretty stunning: real people
and objects are captured with video cameras and then three-dimensional
virtual objects are seamlessly matted in, so that the demonstrator
appears to be holding a bouquet of flowers that turns into a
lightsaber, then a helicopter flies over the audience, etc. The gaming
applications are pretty rad -- think of EyeToy with about a thousand
times more granularity and interaction"

Virtual Flower Display Maru


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