US 'censored' green report
US environmental policies have caused worldwide anger 
The White House has removed sections of a report by the US Government's
own environmental agency to water down references to global warming, say
senior Democrats. 
The major report on the state of the environment is due for release from
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) next week. 

Democrat senators have accused the White House of "doctoring" the report
so that it does not challenge President George W Bush's view that global
warming is of minor environmental importance. 

The report will be released as Christine Todd Whitman steps down as EPA
chief, with a Republican closer to White House thinking on the
environment tipped to replace her. 

The draft of the EPA report was submitted to the White House earlier this

But the amendments demanded by the president's staff were so extensive
that the climate section "no longer accurately represents scientific
consensus on climate change", according to an internal EPA memo quoted by
the Associated Press news agency. 

Whitman: "Perfectly comfortable" with compromise 
Eventually, EPA officials decided simply to remove most references to
global warming, so that the other sections could be published. 

The agency "didn't want to hold up the rest of the report", said
spokesman Joe Martyak. 

A White House official denied that any information was being suppressed,
saying that it was mainly redundant or inaccurate material that had been

"In the last year alone we've produced hundreds of pages on this very
subject," said James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on
Environmental Quality. 

According to EPA officials, details changed or removed include: 

Climate change "has global consequences for human health and the
environment" changed to "may have potentially profound consequences" 
Graphic showing sharp rise in global temperatures during the 1990s
replaced by a study, partly the American Petroleum Institute, disputing
that finding 
Finding that recent warming was unusual and probably due to human
activity removed, despite being included in a report commissioned by the
White House
Under attack 

Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican state governor, played down
the differences, saying "it was important for us to get this out" and
that changes had been agreed. 

"The first draft, as with many first drafts, contained everything," she
told the New York Times, adding that she was "perfectly comfortable" with
the final version. 

But Democratic Senators Joe Lieberman and Bob Graham, both presidential
hopefuls for next year's election, called for action against "those
responsible for doctoring this report". 

"It brings into question the ability and authority of the EPA... to
publish unbiased scientific reports," they said. 

Another Republican governor, Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho, is now being
tipped to take over the EPA when Mrs Todd Whitman steps down next week. 

Mr Kempthorne received a near-zero rating from the League of Conservation
Voters when he was in the Senate from 1993-98. 

He favours reducing the role of federal agencies like the EPA and dealing
with environmental issues at the local level, seeking a "balance between
pollution-free air and water and having a job for your family". 

But Roger Singer, director of the Idaho chapter of the pressure group the
Sierra Club, was unimpressed. 

"His record on environmental issues is quite abysmal," he said. 


"Christians, it is needless to say, utterly detest each other.  They
slander each 
other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse and cannot come to any
sort of 
agreement in their teachings.  Each sect brands its own, fills the head
of its own 
with deceitful nonsense, and makes perfect little pigs of those it wins
over to its
- Celsus (2nd century C.E.) 

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