The movies that are about to open look promising......
"Knowing" with Nicholas Cage
This looks promising, but it also looks a lot like War of the Worlds.  Nick
Cage has about a 50/50 ratio of good/bad movies..... 
Witch Mountain
Definitely a kids movie, but it will be a "must see" since I saw the
original with Eddie Albert years ago when it first came out.
Land of the Lost
The original series was amazingly cheesy and now it's painful to watch, but
this is another "must see" since I watched the original as a kid. The fact
that it stars Will Farrell is almost a guarantee that it will be stupid and
cheesy.  From the reviews, it looks like this might be a combination of
Shaun of the Dead and Talladega Nights.
Star Trek
I was opposed to this when I first read about it, but the more I watch the
trailers, the more I look forward to seeing it.  Almost all of the other
Trek movies had the cheesy factor (to some degree).

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