Although his views are probably partly coloured by him thinking we're all
toga wearing, singers down in the B-Tour, Jaimie is partly right.  Seeding
is very difficult, and the current system is probably as fair as you will
get it.  You can't use Winter League results, because it is a Close Season
tournament.  If you did use them, you would end up with 8 tour events spread
throughout the year, and none of us would ever get a break.  Plus, while LWL
is very strong, other WLs are less so (for instance Motion finished above
Chevy in NWL this year, so would you seed us above them? Despite their
performance on the beach, I doubt it).

The issue is to make sure that B-Tour teams have an opportunity to find
their correct level as quickly as possible.  I never thought I'd say this,
but Boston is right - we need a B-Tour format that allows incorrect seedings
to be quickly eliminated. And we don't have that.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 01 April 2005 14:28
To: Jon Palmer
Subject: [BD] Re: Seedings & a proposed change to the Tour Format


I haven't read the rest of your email below the point relating to what I 
said, as I can't be bothered. However, 

You said: If the TD had gotten this information out earlier we could have 
discussed it earlier. 

The way seeding is determined is in the Tour Rules, which have been 
published on the website since this time last year. (Didn't this give you 
enough time to read them? You're clearly not a slow writer, so if you're a 
slow reader I'd suggest writing shorter emails so you can check you are not 
writing rubbish.) The relevant sections are below. 


1. All seedings at any tournament are at the discretion of the DoC, UKUA CAC

and UKUA. 

2. For Tour 1 seedings will be based on the finishing positions of the 
previous Nationals, and for lower ranked teams, the previous overall Tour 

4. New teams will be seeded by the discretion of the DoC. Geo-teams may be 
considered for seeding directly into the A tour, whereas non geo teams will 
have to start from the B tour. Teams may only be seeded directly into the A 
tour should there be vacancies due to mergers or folding teams over the 
close season." 

I repeat, don't start critisising things now!!!! 

(It begins with an 'L') 

Jon Palmer writes: 

> Jamie Cross wrote: 
>> Seriously though, the way seedings etc are worked out have been public
>> ages, and this style of last minute critisism is ill-timed and reasonably

>> pointless. If you have issues with the rules, raise them well in advance 
>> of Tour 1, so there is time for discussion, change and implementation. 
>> Seems sensible to me but I must admit a lack of the foresight displayed
>> some of the previous correspondents.
> You don't consider the day that the seedings are announced and the format
> first released to be an appropriate time to have this discussion? If the
> had gotten this information out earlier we could have discussed it

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