I've implemented the set operators we discussed, and am now developing
test cases.

In the process, I'm finding that it would be handy to have set equality
and subset/superset testing.  These would be (for type equivalence sets):

        s1 == s2  iff  both sets have exactly the same members

        s1 < s2   iff  every element in s1 is in s2, but s2 has some
                       elements not in s1

        analogous <=, >, >=, != operators

These can already be implemented in terms of existing operators
(if I haven't screwed something up):

        s1 == s2  <=>  |s1 & s2| == |s1 | s2|
        s1 < s2   <=>  |s1 & s2| == |s1| && |s1| < |s2|

Any concerns with adding these too?

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