Hej Frank,

Også en velkommen til "faget" herfra.

Jeg vil tilslutte mig dem som anbefale "blot" at brygge kittet, som det er i
første omgang. Mit 3. bryg for 2 år siden var en juleøl og den endte som så
meget andet med at blive en tand overkrydret til trods for meget konservativ
tilsætning af krydderier.

Så tag heller at brygge kittet og tilsæt evt. lidt ekstra mørkt malt og glæd
dig over den succes det utvivlsomt bliver.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heikki Levanto <hei...@lsd.dk>
Date: 2011/9/23
Subject: Re: [Brygforum] Min første "jule"Ale
To: rosenga...@mil.dk
Cc: brygforum@lists.haandbryg.dk

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 08:10:39AM +0200, rosenga...@mil.dk wrote:
> Jeg er helt ny i faget og har endnu ikke brygget en dråbe endnu, men
> har af konen fået lov til at købe noget udstyr :o)

Congratulations with your new hobby. Hope you'll like it as much as

> Jeg tænkte at jeg ville starte ud med et semigrain kit fra Maltbazaren
> første Ale",

Good easy way to start.

> men da julen nærmer sig tænkte jeg om man kunne tilsætte opskriften et
> eller andet, sådan at alen ville hælde over mod en juleale?

I would recommend you try that in your *second* batch. The "first ale" will
probably come out so nice that there won't be anything left by Christmas!

> Nogen der har nogle erfaringer i den retning?

There are many ways to make Xmas beer. Some make them a tad stronger (just
use more malt), darker (use more dark malts), sweeter (more cara-malts, mash
warmer), or add spices. You can add almost anything, but stuff like orange
peel, coriander, cinnamon, cloves and pepper are possibly the most common.
Remember to be careful. Start with way too little spices, taste the stuff,
and add a tad more until you think you have "only a bit too little" spices.
Don't go further than that in your first beer(s). If you err on the safe
side, the worst that can happen is that you get an almost ordinary beer, as
much as home brew can be called ordinary. If you err on the strong side, you
may get something that you can just about drink, but your friends and family
will refuse to have anything to do with...

No matter how you do it, most likely you end up with

  beer anyway!


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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