Para Milis yang budiman:
Saya membaca artikel di L.A. Times yang menarik
perihal buku Khonghucu yang menjadi Best seller di
Tionkok dewasa ini.
Artikel itu dalam bahasa Inggris. Sorry saya tidak
sempat menterjemahkannya.
Peter Liem

China turns to Confucius, with a modern twist.
Beijing----  CONFUCIUS famously considered a good
woman to be an illiterate woman. The ancient sage
might want to eat his words: More than 2 1/2
millenniums after his death, he's back in vogue,
thanks in no small part to a Chinese woman with a PhD.
Confucius, meet Yu Dan.  But make it quick. The
professor is so busy these days she barely has time to
go home and see her baby daughter. 
 Since the publication of her enormously popular book
on the teachings of Confucius late last year, Yu has
been racing from college lectures to book signings, TV
appearances and speaking engagements. The public can't
seem to get enough of this overnight sensation who has
turned dusty old Confucian teachings into a Chinese
version of "Chicken Soup for the Soul."  "I never
expected this," the smartly dressed 42-year-old said
in a hurried interview from the back of the black Audi
taking her to the airport. "In the 21st century, our
value system is changing; people are faced with a lot
of confusion and choices. The classics are not just
fossils. They are a value system that can help us find
answers to modern-day problems." For more than 2,500
years, the Confucian doctrines of filial piety, moral
righteousness and hierarchical relationships were the
guiding principles of life and government in China and
most of East Asia. Then the Communists came to power
and Chairman Mao declared Confucianism
counterrevolutionary and his Red Guards ransacked
temples dedicated to the philosopher. Today, China is
charging ahead with dizzying economic growth and
breathtaking social change. But many believe the
world's most populous nation has lost its moral and
spiritual anchor. Enter the wisdom of Kong Fuzi, or
Master Kong, as Confucius is known in China -- 
interpreted by a woman. "I'm amazed," said Hong Huang,
a cultural commentator and publisher of fashion
magazines in Beijing. "Her success has a lot to do
with the fact that modern China has an identity crisis
and spiritual crisis. The only value system we have
today is money. Everybody is looking for the Chinese
meaning of life."  Confucius' collected teachings,
called "The Analects," are written in classical
Chinese and are nearly as incomprehensible as Latin is
to the average English speaker. But Yu's book,
"Insights on the Analects," is conversational and full
of modern-day applications.  When Confucius talks
about the qualities of a good ruler, for instance, Yu
connects it to the life of the average man. Confucius
asks his students about their aspirations. Instead of
praising the most ambitious for wanting to run a big
country with a vast army, he supports one who merely
wants to enjoy a fine spring day with friends. Yu says
everyone has dreams, but too many people are so busy
working that they have no time to figure out what they
really want out of life. "Just because you have a
successful career does not necessarily mean you have
made your dreams come true," she writes. To
illustrate, she tells the story of three field mice
preparing for winter. One gathered food, one built
shelter and the third did nothing but play. Winter
came and there was plenty to eat but nothing to do
inside the hideaway. That was when the third mouse
made himself valuable by telling stories from his days
of fun and games. Yu's book has sold more than 3
million copies in four months, making modern Chinese
publishing history and beating out the country's other
top seller, the Harry Potter series. Bootleg videos of
her television lectures and speeches, an unfortunate
sign of popularity, are prominently displayed here
next to American hits such as "Desperate Housewives"
and "The Devil Wears Prada."  YU recently completed an
18-city tour during which she autographed 39,000
copies of her book, twice sitting for stretches of 10
hours. "I saw so many people waiting in line," she
said. "Once it was really windy. Another time it was
snowing and past midnight. I kept going out of
conscience, even if I felt like passing out. They were
there not for me. They were there for Confucius."
Confucius is indeed enjoying a huge revival -- and is
even endorsed by the Communist Party that once tried
to erase his influence.  "Maybe 99% of Chinese people
today never read his writings, but Confucian values
are steeped in our culture," said Miao Di, a professor
at Communication University of China. "The worst
example might be his views on women, which is believed
to be the basis for our patriarchal society, where
male chauvinism prevails despite recent improvements
on gender inequality." Even before the Communists came
to power in 1949, Chinese intellectuals had begun to
question his teachings, blaming them for keeping China
from embracing modern science and Western notions of
democracy. Confucius-bashing reached a peak during the
Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, when schools banned
"The Analects" and mobs tortured scholars for teaching
a book that for centuries had served as a
philosophical primer for this nation.  Today, even
President Hu Jintao is preaching a "Harmonious
Society," based on the Confucian values of unity,
morality and respect for authority. The Communist
Party's legitimacy is at stake as it tries to contain
the dark side of the economic miracle that has led to
a dangerous income divide, rampant corruption and
rising social unrest. Rehabilitating Confucianism
allows the government to show it cares about resolving
these social conflicts in a benevolent way without
ceding too much ground in terms of political freedom
and institutional reforms.  Beijing also has seized on
the sage's good name in foreign policy initiatives
designed to soften the perception of a rising China
threat. It has set up Confucius Institutes in more
than 50 countries and regions to promote Chinese
language and culture, much like France's Alliance
Francaise of France and Germany's Goethe Institute.But
none of this official promotion compares with the
grass-roots Confucian fever Yu has ignited. Yu is a
sometimes imperious woman who wears her hair short and
her fitted coats buttoned to the neck. The media
studies professor likes jazz and soccer and can quote
passages of classical Chinese poetry and proverbs. Her
best-selling book is a compilation of the seven
lectures she gave over a week last fall on CCTV, the
state-run network, which reaches every corner of this
vast country. The scheduling of her show couldn't have
been better --  lunch hours during a weeklong national
holiday when most Chinese are home eating meals in
front of the television. 
 IN the beginning, the choice of a little-known
professor from Beijing Normal University who studied
ancient Chinese literature as an undergraduate was
considered a risky proposition. "Not many people knew
who she was. We worried she didn't have enough star
power to attract a wide audience," said Song Zhijun,
one of her editors at the China Publishing House. But
the media-savvy Yu knew what she was doing. She
leavened her lectures with stories about interpersonal
relationships, self-awareness and the pursuit of
happiness. Yu's TV performance was so refreshing that
the lectures were published as a book, which has
become a self-help bible. The country's swelling
prisons were among the first to hire her as a speaker.
Businesses bought her books in bulk to distribute to
employees. One county ordered more than 10,000 copies
and made the book required reading for each official,
said Zhu Anshun, another of Yu's editors. "We live in
a world with a lot of headaches, and she provides some
answers," said Gong Fan, a 26-year-old graduate
student who was waiting outside Yu's classroom with a
couple of friends hoping to get autographs. But Yu
breezed by without stopping.  Yu has become such a
phenomenon that she has drawn the scorn of some
scholars who say her pop psychology has little to do
with real Confucianism. One group of professors called
on her to resign and apologize for reducing the
classics to fast food. During a book signing in
Beijing, a man wore a T-shirt reading "Confucius would
be annoyed."  "Chinese people live in a high-pressure
society. Her message is, 'Don't worry what others
think about you. It matters how you feel in your
heart,' " said Daniel Bell, a professor of political
philosophy at Qinghua University. "Not only is this
simplifying Confucius, it is very misleading
interpretation. Confucius is about social and
political commitment. She provides a feel-good,
apolitical version that goes against the main message
of 'The Analects.' In her defense, Yu has said she
doesn't claim to be an expert on Confucianism. She is
merely sharing some of her personal thoughts, and
people are entitled to agree or disagree.  "Confucius
emphasizes the cultivation of inner self not for the
purpose of abandoning social responsibilities but
rather so one can be of better service to society," Yu
writes in her book. Yu discovered "The Analects" as a
child when the classics were considered forbidden
fruit.  "I grew up during the Cultural Revolution in a
cultural desert with nothing to do," Yu said. "I'm
grateful to my parents, who sheltered me behind our
family courtyard and taught me calligraphy, poetry and
the classics." This traditional upbringing, however,
did not keep Yu from pursuing a life brimming with
contradictions. She switches with ease between
teaching ancient wisdoms glorifying nonmaterial wealth
and coaching commercial television on how to produce
hit shows. She talks with the authority and formality
of a Communist Party official, yet she engages her
listeners with personal anecdotes about how her
daughter might learn more about the world playing with
a bottle and cap than from all the expensive toys in
the house.  Yu credits her early classical education
with giving her the confidence to believe in herself.
She acknowledges that not everything about Confucius
is relevant today, but she doesn't think it's fair to
dwell on the negative. "There is a lot of prejudice
against Confucius for being too conservative or
backward," Yu said. "He teaches love and tolerance,
for example, and don't force others to do what you
would not want to do yourself, how to develop
harmonious interpersonal relationships. Are these
ideas really that out of date? Are these not useful to
our lives today?"


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