Daripada semua ribut2 mengenai BUKU karangan orang gak jelas. Nih baca artikel 
temen saya. Asli orang indo, tionghua, kalau mau dibikin buku biar saya kasi 
tau penulisnya.. Ko akian, tolong kasih comment, berhubung ko biasanya banyak 
kata2 bijak, apakah pemikiran artikel ini layak diterima? 



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Alibi... Alibi.. Alibi...!

-----Original Message-----
From: "HendryKo" <al...@xl.blackberry.com>

Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 04:06:54 
To: Milis Mk-pluit<pluit...@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: MEN=Sex Machine, is this equation correct??

This article is dedicated to everyone who is interested in knowing, 'why men 
always cheat?' . This is a 'must read' for all of the Cambridge based 
colleagues as this will enhance your recitation of evolution biology in 
different way. For others,this will be a fun read.

In my opinion, men is the most misunderstood creatures in this entire universe. 
we are often being accused of being the unfaithful one in a relationship.I 
guess all Women will agree that such traitorous behavior of ours is 
unacceptable and unforgivable.

Women always wonder 'why', 'why' and 'why'? why am I being treated this way? 
didn't men promise to love us forever???

Today I am going to answer your 'whys' from the geneticist/scientific point of 
view (too much biology I guess.hehe.;>) 

According to research done by A.schaeffer, ~75% of men have cheated at least 
once in their life time. one of the main reason why men cheated on a 
relationship is somehow related with 'SEX'. 

You might wonder why 'SEX'? your Wife can provide you with the best services 
you can possibly imagine, from 'toe to head', but why are we still having such 
a high tendency of cheating with other girls? 

75% of cheating rate can get you a 'distinction' grade in university already!!!

The answer lies in 'other girls'.....confused?..... read on.....

we as a human being often get bored with things we have easily, no matter how 
good they seems to be. Remember the old saying 'neighbor grass is always 
greener'? this saying is absolutely spot on. 

Ask yourself, how many times have you changed your mobile phone in the last two 
years? you might have the latest blackberry ( we are attacked by blackberry 
fever now..), but when you go by the store with the I-phone on display, you 
might wonder 'what is the feeling of owning that 'I-phone'?

You are curious, although that I-phone doesn't necessary have a better 
specifications when compared to your own blackberry.

Another Analogy, if you have eaten 'nasi lemak' for your entire life, don't you 
want to try some 'nasi goreng'???? hehehe.

To sum it up, Curiosity and Boredom is public enemy no. 1. 

So this can be seen as an excuse for a men to cheat, but wait...if men can get 
bored easily, so do women. 

They might say:
' we like to change to different type of 'PIJAMAs' before we go to bed everyday'
' we like to change our BED SHEET before we go to bed every week'
' but we don't change our HUSBAND before we go to bed every month!!!!!'Quote of 
the week by David Je.

So, with all being said, seems like it is the men's fault that they are always 
acting dishonestly.But the fact is, it is 'NOT', or 'NOT NECESSARY' True. 

I expect rotten eggs got throw at me with this opinion. but Girls...read on 
before you complain...

if you were to do an interview to all of the guys in this universe, I am sure 
that all of them will say that they are always trying to stay 'Loyal', but 
there are something that act like a 'devil' inside them that cause them to act 
in a different 'unfaithful way'. 

So what the heck is this 'DEVIL'???

Actually, and this is the facts girls, we were being 'BUILD, DESIGNED and BORN' 
to be a 'FLIRT'....Why????

Lets take a look at definition of 'LIFE'

According to Darwin ( the one who discover the 'survival of the fittest' 
theory), the purpose of life is 'to maintain the continuation of our species', 
that means, we must make sure that human beings do not go extinct. 

How? by producing lots of babies. how? by having more sex of course...hehehe..

But the question arise is that, you can have dozen of babies with your wife as 
well, why do you want to have it with other girls then???

The reason is, each of us are different because we have different genetic 
information or different DNA code. this is why are different!!!

By 'producing babies' with different partner,we ensure that we have many 
different combination and different quality in our babies, and this is very 
important as only the strongest and the fittest will survive the test in our 

Take a look at how many diseases that attacked us in the last few years, avian 
flu, SARS, Malaria, just to name a few. Some of us survive and do not get 
infected, this is because we are different and some of us have a stronger 

Now you night already get some idea on why men would like to have sex with more 
than one partner.This is because subconsciously, they want to produce babies 
with different quality and combination, so that his gene can survive the test.

Not convinced?

Take a look at wild life, what happened to the male lions? they are surrounded 
by at least 4 females, and the male lions can have different babies from these 
females. So women might say...so, are you guys 'animal'????of course we are 
not. But our Basic instinct stay the same with those animals. what 
differentiate us from them is just our 'higher intelligence level'.

still not convinced?? 

Statistic shows that we have more women when compared to Men in this world. So 
why does God want to create so many ' HAWA' if we as an 'ADAM' can only have 
one partner?hehe

Still don't believe in it?

we all have been taught in the school that we should respect our Ancestor, 
right? if that is the case, then we really should have had more than one wife.

I am pretty sure that our great great great grand parents might have more than 
one wife. you might want to clarify with your great grandma for that.

Look at the king of our Dynasti Tang, Ching, etc2..., how many women can the 
king choose from? why so many? this is to ensure that he will have enough 
choices of his offspring that can carry on to be a successor of his kingdom.

Now, I might get a complaint saying that, women can also have different babies 
from different men then??? the fact say 'NO' you are 'NOT' 

Women must spend time and effort in bringing up our children so that they have 
the necessary skill and quality to survive in our society. Again, look at what 
our Ancestor did, if the King has just got a new concubines, people refer it as 
a good news, whereas if the queen cheated on the king, she will be sentenced to 

So Girls... after knowing so many facts, if your partner cheated on you, 
respect your ancestor and forgive them.hehehe.

Men, all agree?hehehe...

Alright, with all being said, Don't get me wrong!!! I am not supporting 
polygamy policy.

I myself feel that woman should be treated well, as they are the most delicate 
and soft creature you could possibly have. I myself have been in a relationship 
for almost a decade, and I am grateful that I have such a partner who always 
stick by me during ups and downs. 

Behind every man, there is a woman. True. But whether the woman is a pain or 
gain makes the man a loser or a winner. 

I owe you more than my life and my love, for better or for worse. I love you!!!

This article is written so that 'if' you find that your man cheated on you, now 
you can think from his point of view. I can ensure you that your man do love 
you, but sometimes the basic instinct just ruled over him. so maybe, he deserve 
a second chance????

And this is message to the men, yes, we are being build to be a 'flirt', but 
remember that we are highly organized creature with exceptional intelligent 
property. So, we should not act like an animal.

In conclusion, if you have a breakage in a marriage, do not think that this is 
the end of the world, try to think in different point of view and you might 
feel better. Perhaps, 'forgiving' is the greatest relief you could possibly 

Enough said, and too long for a read and my hand is asking for a break...so for 
now...GBU. Wish you all a nice weekend!!


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Alibi... Alibi.. Alibi...!

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