Hu Jintao, China's president,will visit N Korea nest week,a trip likely to provide impetus to the next round of six-party talks,scheduled for early November,which is aimed at stripping Pyongyang of the means to build nuclear weapons.


It is not clear whether the trip,the first by a Chinese head of state in four years,is a risky diplomatic down-payment by Mr Hu to ensure that Pyongyang remains committed to the negotiations or simple an effor to solidify bilateral ties.


China is a key player in the talks,invovling Japan,Russia,the US and the two Koreas,and brokered a deal during the last round in September when they were on the brink of collapse.

A senior US official said  Mr Hu's visit to N Korea would play a crucial role in persuading Pyongyang to permit verification of the dismantling of its nuclear programme,one of the largest obstacles.


Mr Hu will discuss the nuclear negotiationw with Kim Jong-il,the N Korean leader,and also closer economic ties between the two nations.Mr Kim last visited China in 2004.Beijing has tried for many years to lure N Korea out of isolation to allow the kind of experiments with markets economics that have delivered strong growth to China.


Meanwhile,New Mexico governor Bill Richardson painted an upbeat outlookd for the fifth round of the six-party talks." N Korea will return to the talks in early November unconditionally. " Mr Richardson said after a four-day visit to Pyongyang,where he met Kim Yong-nam,president of the supreme people's assembly and Kim -Jong-il's deputy,and Kim Kye-gwan,N Korea's chief delegate to the six-party talks.


N Korea's leaders 'reaffirmed their comittment ' to returning to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards,and were even ready to invite Mohamed ElBaradel,chief of the IAEA,to Pyongyang for consultations." at an appppropriate time " on management of nuclear materials,he said.


Mr Richardson told reporters in Tokyo the regime was also prepared to the ' flexible" on the provision of a light water reactor as a reward for dismantling its weapons programmes,and might rescind its demand that aid organizations leave the the country by the end of the year.


" I believe they're sending signals of wanting to engage " he said.


After his visit,Mr Hu will go to Vietnam at the invitation of the president and the Communist Party.

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