Hi Xtian,

thanks, should be fixed in SVN 559.

/// Jürgen

On 03/12/2015 02:35 AM, Christian Robert wrote:
Here the bug.apl script

it looks like it may be unusable in my original email.


#!/usr/local/bin/apl --script


⍝ bug 2015-03-11 21:07:11 (GMT-4)


∇Z←Fntb function_name;⎕io;rect;split;line
 ⍝ Remove all trailing blanks from a ⎕cr function_name
 ⍝ so it will be easy to cut & paste from linux to winblows
 rect←⎕cr function_name
 split←{(,1↑[⍺]⍵) (1↓[⍺]⍵)}
 →(0=1↑⍴ rect)/reshape
   ⍴ rect ⍝ for debugging purpose
 ⍝ 8 ⎕cr (t←1 split rect)   ⍝ Added this line for debug purpose and interpretor aborted core dump
 (line rect) ← 1 split rect ⍝ First problem, this line give a syntax error
 ⍝ TODO: effectively remove trailing blanks from "line" before appending to "Z"


⎕FC←6⍴(,⎕UCS 46 44 8902 48 95 175)



⎕LX←' '


⎕PR←' '







On 2015-03-11 21:19, Christian Robert wrote:
Probably one or two bugs here

you should call it like:

   Fntb 'Fntb'

it give a syntax error, fine, so I added a 8 QuadCR (something) and it now abort (core dump)

       )load bug
loading )DUMP file /home/xtian/workspaces/bug.apl...
       Fntb 'Fntb'
18 96
Fntb[10]  (line rect)←1 split rect
           ^          ^

       ]boxing 8
│Z←Fntb function_name;⎕io;rect;split;line                                                        │
↓⍝                                                                                               │
│⍝ Remove all trailing blanks from a ⎕cr function_name                                           │
│⍝ so it will be easy to cut & paste from linux to winblows                                      │
│⍝                                                                                               │
│⎕io←1                                                                                           │
│Z←0⍴''                                                                                          │
│rect←⎕cr function_name                                                                          │
│split←{(,1↑[⍺]⍵) (1↓[⍺]⍵)}                                                                      │
│Loop:                                                                                           │
│→(0=1↑⍴ rect)/reshape                                                                           │
│⍴ rect ⍝ for debugging purpose                                                                  │
│⍝ 8 ⎕cr (t←1 split rect)   ⍝ Added this line for debug purpose and interpretor aborted core dump│
│(line rect) ← 1 split rect ⍝ First problem, this line give a syntax error                       │
│⍝ TODO: effectively remove trailing blanks from "line" before appending to "Z"                  │
│Z←Z,⊂line                                                                                       │
│→Loop                                                                                           │
│reshape:                                                                                        │

as usual it may be a coding error on my part, but the "aborted core dump" is quite unusual.


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