For the database part, all you have to do is to implement a couple of C++
interfaces, and it will be integrated into the existing SQL framework
(which currently supports Postgres and SQLite).

I'm typing this on my phone so I can't give you any specifics at the
moment, but look at the SQLite implementation for pointers. Start at the
function init_provider_map in (yes, the name of that file is
bad, it was chosen early, when I hadn't decided to make the system support
multiple databases).

If you have any questions about it, you can just ask them here.


On 6 Sep 2016 01:52, <> wrote:

> Hi
> Are there gnuapl 'templates' for developing 'native funtions' for libcurl
> and libmysql/mariadb ?
> I've been looking for documentation to use to follow but besides the
> gnuapl source code itself nothing
> Thanks

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