Hi Ernst,

please don't write privately to me but push the "Reply all" button in
order to send your message also to the bug tracker.  Using the "Reply
all" button is a good habit in mailing lists ;-)

2016-11-18 20:24 GMT+01:00 Ernst Reissner <rei3...@arcor.de>:
> Hi Mosè,
>> 2016-11-16 5:44 GMT+01:00 Ernst Reissner <rei3...@arcor.de>:
>>> I set in my latex main file:
>>> %%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-src-specials -recorder -shell-escape"
>>> Nevertheless, when running the pdflatex compiler,
>>> the only option I receive is -shell-escape, the last one.
>> Does this happen only for one document or every documents?  I mean, in
>> every documents do you always have "-shell-escape" in the command use
>> to compile the document, irrespective of the value of
>> `TeX-command-extra-options'?  In addition, what's the value of
>> `LaTeX-command-style' option for you?
> The command has option - shell-escape only if I specify this in
> TeX-command-extra-options.
> This is completely ok.
> The problem is only, that if I specify more options, say in addition
> -recorder,
> then still *only* -shell-escape appears.
> I now removed the line TeX-command-extra-option.
> When I restart emacs and load the tex-file, then of course, it does not
> ask again on whether I accept -shell-escape,
> but still it run latex with shell escape:
> Running `LaTeX' on `manualLatexMavenPlugin' with ``pdflatex
> -file-line-error -shell-escape --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode
> "\input" manualLatexMavenPlugin.tex''
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014)
> (preloaded format=pdflatex)
>  \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode

So, whatever the value of `TeX-command-extra-options' the command
executed is always the same?

> This is crazy, right?

No, because if guess correctly, I suspect you customized
`LaTeX-command-style'.  What's the value of this option?


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