
* ouyang User wrote on Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 05:53:57AM CEST:
> Firstly, thanks for your advise.I'am sorry I've not work out the
> problem. Fllowing your way,there is new error.
> I've installed the gtk package.And I'm sure there are the tool and
> package that is for the form compiled on my computer.
>  For example,I've download the soucre of gcalctool-5.24.0.tar.gz.
>  After doing it,I decompressed it,by inputting the command
> <$:./configure 
> <$:make
> <$:make install
> <$:gcalctool
> It's okey,the aplication is compiled successfully.
> Now,I wirte the program(calculate.c),by the way of PKG_CONFIG to compile
> it($:gcc -o calculate calculate.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk
> +-2.0`),it's alse successful.If I want to use the of automake, there is
> error.Do you agree with me that there is some misstake on my config
> file(configure.in and makefile)?

Not really.  I do not know what the reason for this error is:

> /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkstock.h:57: 错误: expected declaration specifiers 
> before ‘GSList’
> /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkstock.h:59: 错误: expected declaration specifiers 
> before ‘GtkStockItem’

but it might be a missing header file that you also need to include,
or it could be a different problem.

To find out the root cause, you may have to study the GTK documentation
for requirements.  One good way to get started is to find a small sample
application (in their documentation, or source distribution), get that
running, and then adjust it to your needs.

Otherwise, you might find help asking on a suitable GTK users/newbie

Good luck!


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