Under Debian/unstable, when testing the automake Git version
(80714ea0aba62f025780f432abfbab2e66f6f801), aclocal-I-and-install
is one of the two tests that fail.

I've attached the t/aclocal-I-and-install.log file.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <https://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
+ pwd
+ cat
+ ACLOCAL=aclocal-1.16 -Werror --system-acdir acdir
+ mkdir m4_1 m4_2 acdir acdir2
+ echo ./acdir2
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --system-acdir acdir -I m4_1 -I m4_2
+ autoconf
/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf/trailer.m4:4: warning: AC_OUTPUT was never used
+ /bin/grep -F :macro11: configure
+ /bin/grep -F :macro21: configure
+ /bin/grep -F :macro33: configure
+ grep MACRO3 aclocal.m4
AC_DEFUN([MACRO3], [:macro33:])
+ test ! -e m4_1/macro.m4
+ test ! -e m4_2/macro.m4
+ sleep 0.2
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --system-acdir acdir -I m4_2 -I m4_1
+ autoconf
/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf/trailer.m4:4: warning: AC_OUTPUT was never used
+ /bin/grep -F :macro12: configure
+ /bin/grep -F :macro21: configure
+ /bin/grep -F :macro33: configure
+ grep MACRO3 aclocal.m4
AC_DEFUN([MACRO3], [:macro33:])
+ test ! -e m4_1/macro.m4
+ test ! -e m4_2/macro.m4
+ sleep 0.2
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --system-acdir acdir -I m4_1 -I m4_2 --install
aclocal-1.16: installing 'm4_1/macro.m4' from 'acdir2/macro.m4'
+ autoconf
/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf/trailer.m4:4: warning: AC_OUTPUT was never used
+ /bin/grep -F :macro11: configure
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/vlefevre/software/automake
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
FAIL t/aclocal-I-and-install.sh (exit status: 1)

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