Tony Zanella schrieb:
Hello all,
I'm sure this isn't a bug, but just my inability to wrap my head
around enough of bash flow control:
I wrote the following shell script to find all gifs in a directory.
Then use "identify" from imagemagick to grab the gif width. Then,
print the image name and widt
Hello all,
I'm sure this isn't a bug, but just my inability to wrap my head
around enough of bash flow control:
I wrote the following shell script to find all gifs in a directory.
Then use "identify" from imagemagick to grab the gif width. Then,
print the image name and width to a file.
for i in
Tanel Rebane wrote:
> Hello,
> a problem occurs when running the following bash shell script:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> for (( q = 0 ; q < 1 ; q++ )); do
> while read -d '' z; do result+=("$z"); done < <(printf
> "%s\000\n" hej | grep -a 'hej')
> done
> For some reason the
Chet Ramey wrote:
> Pádraig Brady wrote:
>> Original Message
>> Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:55:51 +0100
>> From: Pádraig Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Chet Ramey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I was just discussing bit shifting with Tim Hockin using shell
>> a