To whom it may concern:

I'm writing to inform you of what might be a bug within Fedora-Linux 5,6,7. The problem is that when you try to create links, the in command doesn't respond or work even though is listed within the /bin directory. When you which,ls,or file any other command within /bin, they work just fine, except for the in( link) command...............I followed instructions from several fedora books which work in other flavors of Linux, except Fedora.............Basically from /var/named as per my book, I was creating a link to: /var/named/chroot/var/named/ like this:

in -s /var/named/chroot/var/named/ ........but it doesn't work in any of the versions of Fedora listed above.

Can you please look into it when you have a chance!!

I'll be looking forward to your responds!!!


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