Hi folks,

while playing online a lot you might want to (quickly) know some data 
about a guy/girl who just challenged you. I wrote a small shell script 
that shows relevant stats of certain players within a second. Maybe 
someone can integrate this directly into gnubg? The output looks like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ query_player.sh pig

No   Games       Result      Luck_Adjusted  Snowie      Date
---- ----------  ----------  -------------  ---------- -------
4    17          8.0         3.69861        6.251      2008-01-08
12   34          -10.0       1.235859       7.726      2008-01-08 
13   12          -5.0        -2.46822       7.221      2008-01-08 
15   10          -15.0       0.33939        9.976      2008-01-08 
16   3           -7.0        1.296641       8.465      2008-01-08 
17   4           4.0         -0.315789      6.359      2008-01-08 
18   2           1.0         -0.5268        4.914      2008-01-08 
19   12          -12.0       -1.244711      8.446      2008-01-08 

Result pigeon: -36.0 Point(s)

I'll put it into the cvs tree. 



Attachment: query_player.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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