> Hi,
> Please, just give a look at some changes in
> [set"Orientation"RulerView:], [setHas"Orientation"RulerView:]
> and [setRulersVisible:] methods. Apparently, this NSScrollView
> is working fine with mine set of applications for rulers tests.
> There are, for example, tests in [set"Orientation"View:] method
> that will guarantee that the first object will be removed and not
> be lost when someone set a ruler view, set has a ruler view, set
> ruler views like visible and a bit later set another ruler view
> one more time.

Hi - thanks for the patches - I started by reading and applying the ones
about setting and removing rulers - let me know if any problems with the
ones I applied.

I'll apply something in the spirit of the patch about -tile later on (hope
tonight, I'm being currently stuck in a Christmas family dinner :-) ).

Btw, if you have tests/demos for rulers, it would be nice if you want to
submit them as well ...  you need to fit them somewhere in our
examples/gui/ directory, and submit them as well ?  I think that would be

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