I believe I may have found a bug in GSDecimalCompare in NSDecimal.m

If you run this code:

NSDecimalNumber * d1 = [NSDecimalNumber zero];
NSDecimalNumber * d2 = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString: @"0.02"];

NSComparisonResult test = [d1 compare: d2];
NSLog(@"%@", test == NSOrderedAscending ? @"Ascending" : test == NSOrderedDescending ? @"Descending" : @"Same");

The output should be "Ascending", but is actually "Descending".

I have included an analysis of the issue provided by ChatGPT:

Given the representation of 0.02 and 0.00 in the GSDecimal format as you described, let's analyze how the GSDecimalCompare function behaves with these inputs:

  1. 0.02 in GSDecimal:

    • Length: 1
    • Exponent: -2
    • cMantissa: [2]
  2. 0.00 in GSDecimal:

    • Length: 0
    • Exponent: 0
    • cMantissa: []


  • Exponent and Length Calculation: For 0.02, s1 is 1 - 2 = -1. For 0.00, s2 is 0 + 0 = 0. The GSDecimalCompare function will then compare s1 and s2.

  • Same Sign, Check Size: Since s1 (-1) is less than s2 (0), the function will return NSOrderedAscending if 0.02 is not negative, which seems to be the case here. This means the function considers 0.02 to be smaller than 0.00, which is incorrect.

  • Comparing Digits (cMantissa): Since 0.00 has a length of 0, the digit comparison loop in GSDecimalCompare is skipped. This is a crucial point because it does not compare the actual digits if one of the numbers has a length of 0.


The issue seems to be arising from how the GSDecimalCompare function handles the case where one of the numbers (0.00) has a length of 0. It leads to skipping the digit comparison and making a decision based solely on the exponent and length calculations, which in this case, misleadingly indicates that 0.02 is smaller than 0.00.

Suggested Fix:

A potential fix in the GSDecimalCompare function could involve adding a check for cases where one operand has a length of 0. Specifically, if one operand has a length of 0 (indicating it's 0.00), and the other operand has a non-zero length, the function should return NSOrderedDescending if the non-zero length operand is positive, and NSOrderedAscending if it's negative. This logic should be placed before the digit comparison loop.

I have also included a patch which appears to correct the issue at least in this particular scenario.

Attachment: NSDecimal_patch.m
Description: Binary data

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