=================== BUG #3259: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Jeroen Dekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat 06/28/03 at 16:34 (Europe/Amsterdam)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
I think this bug can be closed, you always have to set the partition type to Linux 
(0x82) if it's an ext2 partition, the Hurd type (0x63) should not be used for such an 

=================== BUG #3259: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: None                    Project: GNU GRUB                     
Submitted on: Thu 04/17/03 at 19:13
Category:  Disk &amp; Partition       Severity:  Major                      
Priority:  None                       Bug Group:  Feature Request           
Resolution:  None                     Assigned to:  None                    
Status:  Open                         Release:  0.90 & 0.93                 
Reproducibility:  Every Time          Planned Release:                      

Summary:  Grub can't recognize GNU/HURD ext2fs logical partitions

Original Submission:  When trying to mount a logical GNU/HURD partition (created by 
mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hda7 with GNU/Linux), I have error no 17: Cannot mount selected 
partition. When changing partition type to Linux (0x82), I manage to boot with that 
logical partition. This does not happen when using a primary partition.

Follow-up Comments

Date: Sat 06/28/03 at 16:34         By: jeroen
I think this bug can be closed, you always have to set the partition type to Linux 
(0x82) if it's an ext2 partition, the Hurd type (0x63) should not be used for such an 

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