you'll love and she'll love you ueyd4a1

2004-02-27 Thread Millicent M. Ladner
zonetime zoolaters zoophile zooter zoophobe zoophyte zygantra zygosis zygopterous zooplanktonic zoosporangial zoos zymophore zoogeology zoophobes zymoplastic zygosphene zootrophy zyzzyvas zonations zoolith zorrillo zonoskeleton zoonomist zoonomist zooxanthin zygadenine zoophysiology zombiisms zoo

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

2004-02-27 Thread Mail Delivery System
This is the Postfix program at host I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned below could not be delivered to one or more destinations. For further assistance, please send mail to If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from t

GRUB IRC channel

2004-02-27 Thread Marco Gerards
Hi, There is an unofficial (until Okuji blesses it of course ;)) IRC channel about GRUB now. You can find it on, the channel is named #grub. We used to have #pupa, but it does not exist anymore since PUPA became GRUB 2. So the channel is about both GRUB and GRUB 2 now. Feel free to

Partnew command parameters documented incorrectly

2004-02-27 Thread Walt Neubauer
The documentation I was able to find indicated that the partnew took the beginning and end sectors as parameters. That gave really odd results, but using the beginning sector, and the number of sectors did the trick. I'm using grub to boot from way more than 4 primary partitions. I love it!!! d


2004-02-27 Thread ymugaga
Sie mögen überrascht sein, diesen Brief von mir zu erhalten, da Sie mich nicht persönlich kennen. Der Grund meiner Vorstellung ist, dass ich Yuse Mugaga der älteste Sohn von Paul Mugaga bin , einem Farmer in Simbabwe,der kürzlich im Landstreit in meinem Land ermordet wurde. Ich bekam den Kontak